Projects WIP
- URL Shrink Easy - Firefox extension that gives you context menu entries to quickly generate short urls using popular services and then automatically copying the output to the clipboard. Currently supports TinyURL and Bitly.
- Open in Current Tab - Firefox extension that adds "Open in Current Tab" to your context menu for links. Useful for selectively bypassing target tags.
- Fixing Outlook 2007 IMAP handling of deleting emails using vbscript (VBA)
- Boggle-board generator in 3 lines of PHP (1 is array declaration, 1 is output) Source
- TKAnagram | Wikipedia
- Handball
- Galaga
- Tetris
- Robo Sokoban
- Shadowgate/Myst style adventure engine
- <canvas> tag Tile Engine [Metroid]
- <canvas> tag Tile Engine [Zelda]
- Conway's game of life | Wikipedia
- Galton box | Wikipedia
- Ancient RPG Engine [IE Only]
- TKID3 - ID3v1 tagger